Understanding trauma

Online workshops and webinars
When you’re caring for a child or youth who has experienced trauma, it can be helpful to learn about what trauma is, how to understand and support someone who has experienced trauma, and how to take care of yourself in the process.
Here are some free online workshops and webinars that may be helpful:
This webinar helps participants learn how to use a trauma-informed perspective to better understand the relational, neurobiological and developmental impact of trauma on children and youth. It includes information on understanding the patterns of children’s behaviour, and some practical tools to begin helping children to manage those behaviours. Created by New Directions in association with the Manitoba Trauma Information and Education Centre. Free, registration required.
(French closed captioning and ASL translation available)
Visit: Making Sense of Trauma
These video modules from the Canadian Centre for Child Protection explore how our brains and bodies respond to experiences of trauma.
The video series aims to provide a source of accurate and helpful information for victim-survivors of child sexual abuse (whether it happened online or in person), as well as supportive friends and family, in their healing process.
This e-learning program is for anyone in a child serving organization or who interacts in a formal role with children and youth who may have been exposed to maltreatment. Developed by the Luna Child and Youth Advocacy Centre. Free, registration required.
Visit: Being Trauma Aware
Other resources
Check out our Learn More page for more free resources and webinars.
If you are a service provider, check out our For Professionals page for other training and information available online.